برنامج Startup Delayer Standard الرائع الذي من خلاله ستقتصر الوقت الذي يبذلة الجهاز في التشغيل ليصل حتي اقل من 10 ثواني , يستغرق الجهاز وقت في التشغيل بسبب كثرة البرامج التي يبدأ بها الجهاز ويقوم برنامج Startup Delayer Standard بعملية تسهيل عملية البرامج أثناء عملها ليجعلها تعمل بكفاءة أكبر بكثير مما كان عليها .
Startup Delayer 3.0 build 363 Final
The power to speed up your computer's startup process! Can you learn another language in the time it takes for your machine to boot? Do you turn on your PC when you go to bed, so it's finished booting by the time you get home from work the next day? When Windows loads it's Startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU time so that it can load.
If each program tries to do this at the same time, you soon notice the slow down that occurs, due to your CPU trying to help all the programs to load, and your hard disk accessing multiple files.
Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program
الإصدار : 363 Final
الحجم : 8 MB
License : مجاني
Requires: Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP
Startup Delayer 3.0 build 363 Final
The power to speed up your computer's startup process! Can you learn another language in the time it takes for your machine to boot? Do you turn on your PC when you go to bed, so it's finished booting by the time you get home from work the next day? When Windows loads it's Startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU time so that it can load.
If each program tries to do this at the same time, you soon notice the slow down that occurs, due to your CPU trying to help all the programs to load, and your hard disk accessing multiple files.
Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program
الإصدار : 363 Final
الحجم : 8 MB
License : مجاني
Requires: Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP